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ICE 2020

Transitioning to a virtual congress

​In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, we announce that the 19th International Congress of Endocrinology (ICE 2020), 4th Latin American Congress of Endocrinology (CONLAEN) and 13th Congress of the Argentine Federation of Endocrinology Societies (FASEN) will not take place in the form of an in-person meeting as it was originally scheduled to take place in “La Rural” Convention and Exhibition Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 4-7, 2020.
To adapt to the current situation, the meeting will be transformed into a virtual meeting during February 2021. You can read the full statement HERE.
ISE is also planning to hold a General Assembly in October 2020. You will be invited and will receive more information about this meeting. 

CME activities in global COVID-19 pandemic

Many of your societies are currently transforming education and scientific exchange opportunities for your members. As the global federation of endocrine societies, we remain at your disposal to support you.
How we can help?
  • Endorse, disseminate and promote your activities.
  • Develop common educational and scientific exchange projects together.
  • Sharing best practices of endocrinologists on the frontlines of the pandemics and how they are keeping in touch with their patients.
If you are interested in these, have other ideas or simply wish to promote your activities through our channels, please contact our Executive Director Ariane Brusselmans.
We sincerely hope that you all remain safe and be assured that we remain committed to delivering, together with you an exceptional ICE2020 virtual meeting and support all of your efforts as best as we can.

André Lacroix
ISE Chairperson