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Carenza CRH: dimensioni del problema e come aggirarlo

 Ferring Farmaceutical, principale azienda produttrice di CRH ( corticotropin-releasing hormone), ha reso nota l’interruzione temporanea della produzione del farmaco a causa di un problema nella linea produttiva.
La durata di tale indisponibilità al momento non è nota e rende necessaria la tempestiva individuazione di approcci diagnostici alternativi, in particolare per la diagnosi della Sindrome di Cushing ACTH - dipendente in cui tale farmaco trova il maggior campo di applicazione.
Qui di seguito le raccomandazioni ESE (European Society of Endocrinology) per la scelta dei test diagnostici alternativi:

Dear ECAS colleagues, 
As you may remember from the last ECAS meeting, there is an emerging issue concerning the shortage of CRH in many European countries because Ferring Pharmaceuticals (the main global supplier of CRH) has stopped its production.  

In this context, there has been several discussions within the European Society of Endocrinology (ESE), particularly within the ESE Clinical Committee, and there is a general agreement that this may be a problem for the practice of Endocrinology.  

Hence, the ESE took the initiative of gathering a working group composed by experts in the field in order to write a document informing the Endocrine community about this CRH shortage, and providing some recommendations on how best to address this issue. 

Please find attached this ESE Recommendation document on CRH Shortage attached to this email. This document is also available on our website here

Please do not hesitate in contacting us in case of any doubts or concerns. 

Kind regards