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La Società Europea di Endocrinologia e le società scientifiche affiliate sollecitano l'aggiornamento del regolamento sulla limitazione, valutazione e autorizzazione delle sostanze chimiche (REACH) che interferiscono con il sistema endocrino.

Dear President,
Dear Representative of National Society,
We have the pleasure to inform you that the petition related to the timing of the REACH revision proposal, that you signed onto recently, has been passed on to the European Commission today on Tuesday 14 March 2023. To achieve the full impact of this petition, we would like to suggest that this is communicated to your members, with a call for action to support this petition by engaging with the social media exposure they may come across at the national or European level. You and/or your members may also relay this information to any decision-maker they may know that can have an impact at National or European level.

The attached draft email can be used together with the final petition document as a basis for any communication you as a National Society may consider, towards your national or European decision makers. Also enclosed is a draft text that you can host on your website and use for any membership communication around this activity.

Please inform us about any possible engagements you may have had with politicians and/or the media in relation to the petition.

With best regards,
Martin Reincke, ESE President
Anton Luger, ECAS Representative to ESE ExCo